I should really go back and thank her for that because although I really couldn't have had a hugely ‘fat ass’, as I have never been anything more than a size 10-12, it did see me joining a local aerobics class…. and I was hooked!!! In fact I loved it…we were talking thong leotards, tiny lycra shorts and pink ankle warmers…What was not to love!!
I ‘box stepped’ and ‘grapevined’ for a good few years until I decided I wanted to be that Instructor and so I booked myself up for training. I was actually pregnant when it came to taking my Exercise To Music practical exam and at that time I thought I had made a bit of a mess of things!!!
What can I say, it was of course the best thing I ever did and 20 years later and ‘quite a few’ classes later, I have seen exercise trends come and go, plus I have seen many participants come and go and come and go and come and go!!! Which leads me to questioning, 'What it is that motivates us to take that first step to joining an exercise class?' And more importantly, how to maintain that motiviation!!
If like me and all it takes is a, ‘fat ass’ comment to get you moving you're lucky!!! You've got that ‘'I'll show you'’ instinct which is quite handy. It's that defiance which drives you to prove a point. It gives you the willpower, determination and motivation to stick at whatever it takes to reach your goal.
But what if you find yourself ‘quitting’ or ‘giving in to the sofa’, and then consoling yourself with Doritoes…its a very slippery slope!!
I have always wished I could bottle that post exercise ‘feel good’ factor which everyone experiences and yet so frequently forgets, when they talk themselves out of their next fitness class, scheduled run or whatever.
What is it that drains the motivation and allows that negative voice to convince you that your excuse is legitimate and you're not being a lazy ass quitter!?!
Keeping fit really isn't as scientific as some like to imagine…It doesn't require new fangled equipment, nor does is necessitate following special protocols (unless you are of course an athlete in training), but it has to be something you enjoy, something that leaves you feeling motivated and which can become part of your life….for life!!!!
You don't need to have a huge goal either, in fact the simpler the better…just to wake up each day in a happy body which moves freely and without pain, fits into the desired attire without a struggle, and which feels strong & healthy should be sufficient.
Then, comes the frequency issue. Nothing you do today is going to change your physical fitness levels and/or physique unless you continue to do it and continue to do it, for as long as you want to achieve it!
It cannot happen overnight and you cannot maintain it unless you keep doing it….all of which means you have to have that motivation in place to keep you doing it!!! You have to find that motivation which you can maintain so that your workout becomes a habit which you look forward to and enjoy.
I hope that along the way I have motivated my class participants and helped a few people feel happier in their bodies and mind…whether it is sharing a Pilates class Participant's journey, or smiles from my 50+ Keep fit ladies, or sweating with my hardcore Bootcampers. I love every second of my weekly exercise cocktail and it maintains my motivation without a doubt.
My New Years 2012 Golden Rule to my participants has been to not let a week go by this year without getting a sweat on…Whatever it takes; a run, a power walk, a fitness class, or a ten minutes high intensity interval training session.
MAKE IT HAPPEN! Because, every time you do, you are maintaining your motivation and much more likely to keep doing it….xx
Ellie Searle http://www.elliexercise.com/